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50 Years of Following: The Value of Reflection

We have heard from many of you over the past weeks that one of the hidden gifts of quarantine has been the opportunity to slow down, reflect, and take inventory of your lives. In fact, we believe that this is a time when the Holy Spirit is inviting many of us into a deeper communion with God that is void of any sense of “doing”. We asked Tucker Bordner, our Board President, to offer his own reflections for us below.


While at a Young Life camp during the summer of 1969 my eyes were opened to who Jesus was and what he had done for me. My leader, Connie Jacobsen, was next to me at that moment and continued to disciple me for many years. In that first year he gave me a Record Book and encouraged me to write about what had happened that summer and to continue to record other things Jesus was doing in my life. I’m now on Record Book number 21! This last summer I took time to review the past 50 years. The following are two main take-aways:

  1. When I accepted Jesus, I received a new compass (the Holy Spirit) which became my True North. But there was also the Magnetic North (the World) which I felt was consistently trying to pull me off course. I got off course at times but when I turned my focus to Jesus, He guided me back to True North. I continue to learn that lesson to this day.

  2. I read through many challenges that I had forgotten about. As I reviewed them I realized He had been faithful and the outcomes turned out better than I thought they would have at the time. The word “grateful” was a recurring theme.

How about you? You may not have written in Record Books, but I’ll bet if you took some time to look back over your past (i.e. old photos) and reflect on what He has done in your life, you might even come up with more than two take-aways.

Blessings on you,

Tom “Tucker” Bordner

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