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Rob Wallace: A Life Well Lived

I met Rob Wallace 27 years ago, when he first joined a Teleios group and I was just starting my work with the ministry.  Rob had so many great questions about his rediscovered faith, showing a tremendous hunger to know and experience more of the love of Christ.  That hunger and drive continued over the years, as Rob became more “teleios”, more mature in his faith. The way he lived his life, cared for his family, conducted his business, reached out to others in the community - everything was impacted by the love of Jesus.  Rob really reflected what Jesus said, that “indeed, the water I give them  will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).  Rob discovered his own “belovedness” in Christ and allowed it to influence and captivate his thinking and living.

Rob passed away from cancer on March 6th. He is greatly missed.  He had just returned to another term on the Teleios Board this past fall and was excited to help others experience a living faith.  Shawn and I have reflected that Rob lived out the goal of Teleios: an adult, mature, integrated faith in the risen Lord.  We, along with his wife, Sally, and their kids, Mike and Anna, feel the tremendous loss  and are grateful for the years of friendship we had together.  We look forward to seeing Rob again!

Rob and Sally have been very involved with their local congregation, Sammamish Presbyterian Church.  The church has set up a memorial fund in Rob’s honor. If you are interested in contributing, please visit 

Celebrate with us the life of Rob Wallace!   



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