This past Wednesday, several men from Teleios and DADS attended the annual King County Prayer Breakfast. The first prayer breakfast in our nation took place in Seattle on April 19, 1935. At that time, the entire world was in great need, as it surely is today. The purpose of these breakfasts is to gather in prayer for our communities and to seek guidance on behalf of all leaders, regardless of political party or ideology, as they make important decisions that impact every citizen.
These gatherings are always an encouragement, but this year particularly stood out. There were the refugee from Tajikistan that spoke with such joy, the young men and women in their 20s who have been praying weekly at Westlake Center for the past three years, and the pastor whose church is bringing salt and light to North Aurora. How awesome it was to see people of different ages, occupations, and ethnic backgrounds represented at the event!
Another speaker was Amber Cantu, the 6th generation granddaughter of Chief Seattle. In her short talk, she revealed a background of pain and loss, notable the loss of her 24 year old son. Amber approached the stage with an older woman who she described her "spiritual mother," and went on to tell the crowd how the two of them have been walking closely for the last 14 years. This friendship reminded Amber of the bond that Chief Seattle had with Arthur Denny. A bond that survived many trials and ultimately saw Chief Seattle's baptism and conversion to Christianity. The two men had a shared love for the city. They prayed and loved people and modeled friendship around Jesus.
Amber made a few insightful statements as she spoke with passion about her love for life, friendship, and the city. Each of these statements could be expanded further, but perhaps they will resonate with you the way they did for those in the room.
We are each invited to live a life beyond hurt, heartache, and pain.
In our greatest loss is where most of us will find our greatest strength and purpose. Something deeper than the pain of loss.
I want you be together as one. And I want you to be with me.
When you fail, because you will over and over, fail forward.
Invite people into your life who will not allow you to stay broken. And be that person for a few others.
If you've been discouraged at times with our city, I get it. I have, too. My hope is that through sharing these words, you too will be encouraged that God is still moving in Seattle. There is a rich heritage of Jesus-centered people in our city. You and I get to continue to learn how to love Jesus, building deep friendships ("covenant friendships" was the phrase in the room repeated over and over on Wednesday morning), and do our part to love our neighbor in and around the city of Seattle.
If you would like to attend the other two prayer breakfasts in the Puget Sound area, visit