Dear Friends,
This has been a wild year with lots of upheaval in our country and world. It is also the 50th year that Teleios has been helping men grow in their faith -- our Jubilee year. It reminds me that the love and power of Christ, for these past 2,000 years, has grown in the believer’s heart in the midst of and in spite of the challenges we face. It is in the midst of challenge that Jesus declares to us, “you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He is with us and shoulders the burden of the load. This is truly good news.
The Teleios board has decided that our fall celebration dinner will be virtual this year. It is the safe and right thing to do. We want to celebrate God’s wonderful faithfulness these past 50 years and share our sense of what He is leading us to in the future. We would therefore like to invite you to join us in our week-long Teleios 50th Jubilee Celebration from Sept 24 - October 1. The celebration week will be highlighted by a video “event” that you will be able to watch virtually or in small gatherings with your group and other friends, and family members.

As we plan to celebrate our 50th year, we would like to hear from you. Would you take a few minutes to send us a brief (45 seconds or less) video on “what it has meant for me to be involved in Teleios, in my group, and in my friendship with Jesus and others?” We hope to collect many reflections and share some of them in our virtual event and throughout the rest of the year. Our soft deadline for videos and items is August 15.
See below or click here for further instructions and helpful hints on making your recording. You can email attach your recordings and other photos to David at, or mail items to 4616 25th Ave NE, Box 502, Seattle, WA 98105. Please reach out to David with any questions.
We will get more details to you as the vision for the event grows, but for now, please mark your calendar for Sept 24-October 1!
My friends, may knowing the love of Christ today bring “rest to your soul”. His love holds and undergirds us!
We want to hear from you!
As part of our 50th Anniversary, we are hoping to collect artifacts from the past 50 years of Teleios.
Make a short video: please take a moment to record a short (45 seconds or less) video of yourself answering one or all of the following prompts:
What has it meant for me to be involved in Teleios, in my group, and in my friendship with Jesus and others?
What is one word or phrase that you would use to describe Teleios?
Send us your artifacts: send us your photos, videos, letters, or anything else you might want to share. We would love to see you, your groups, past events and trips, and even your families and friends who have been impacted by Teleios for 50 years! If you have anything you'd like to send, or any questions, please email David at